Interior designer, Mina has always believed that a home is the heart of all happiness. Creating a personal sanctuary specifically tailored to the humans that dwell within is her motivation. The ultimate goal is to create beautiful spaces where one can escape the stress of the world and recalibrate. Every job is different and there are always different challenges to strategise and solve. Knowing she’s helped create a happy home is her reward.


Truth in material, curves and colour


I love the Japanese notion of Wabi Sabi - beauty in the imperfect. I am inspired by the organic tactility of Japanese design, along with the Danish Hygge concept of cosiness and a splash of vibrant modern art. I believe nature and art are the colour palettes of life.


Design is a competitive industry and to be honest a little part of me was always comparing myself to other designers, I wondered if I would be good enough to make it. 

I studied a Bachelor of Design at UTS, majoring in jewellery design. In the beginning, I made a career sidestep without realising it, by taking a job as a stylist at House & Garden Magazine. The decision benchmarked my career for many years to come and made it hard for me to get my foot in the door as a designer. But with a little creative thinking, I found my way via an alternative avenue and worked hard to prove my worth and get my break.

Touch Interiors was my landing pad and Bronwyn Poole well and truly took me under her wing. Despite moving to California, she has always been a massive support, mentoring and motivating me throughout my career. She has always believed in my abilities. After Touch I was skilled up and landed my dream job at Briony Fitzgerald Design. I adored her aesthetic, sense of colour and impeccable style; not just within interiors but in fashion and art alike. She is still my absolute style icon. When I started with Briony I thought I knew about textiles and colour but she truly opened my eyes to another dimension that I had only dreamed of.

I feel very blessed to have had two such amazing women shape my vision and give me so much time and wisdom over the years.


My personality. I'm approachable and real. I don’t sugarcoat my opinions however, I always have my client’s best interests at heart. I am a designer with no ego and have an innate knack for understanding what my client wants even if they don’t have the words to eloquently express it. Each design is personal, unique and wholly about my client’s desires, needs and what is best for their household and lifestyle.


All the pretty things!! There are so many beautiful textiles and finishes that no one space should ever be the same! It is an amazing perk to be able to dream of beautiful spaces and see them turn into reality. I also have a wonderful client base who have stumbled across me via word of mouth, they engage me because they believe in my vision. 


Having my 'Mediterranean House’ featured on the front cover of Inside Out magazine. I was more than proud of the house but never expected a cover! The client was so thrilled and she later engaged me to work on a boutique chalet project in the Blue Mountains, Chalets of Blackheath which has just opened. I love that she trusted me to utilise natural materials to create a luxurious vibe for the area. It was so different to the rustic guest house accommodation that was there previously.

I think the Chalets of Blackheath will be the pearl of my career.


I am working on another personal project, creating my own studio in Brookvale! My dream is that it will be a creative energetic space that inspires me. Eventually, I would like to have a curated design library or resources to share. Ideally, I would love to build a strong local design community and help support other sole traders who also need support or share resources to build their own brand and not feel like they’re battling on their own.


Contact Mina at www.minastaples.com or @minastaplesinteriors